Models keep 100% of their fee! All models are fully verified.
5 Stars (13)
More Less JazzyxxFemale | Last seen 10 hours ago
Brunette, blue eyed 32 years old and all natural.
No cosmetic procedures, I'm just me πŸ˜‰

Some of the things i can do for you-

1 week gf experience
1 day gf experience
1hr sexting sessions
Dick ratings (detailed description out of 10 and what I'd like to do)
Naughty voice notes
I can also offer findom-
Pay pigs come at me πŸ˜‰

I also tailor services to fit around you and what you like, just ask, I don't bite. Usually 😜😜😜

Also when messaging me, you're paying per message for general chat. If you would like a sexting session then you pay by the hour. I do not send pictures or videos in general chat unless a session or customs have been bought.

Please don't save or screenshot/record or distribute my content outside of revealme as every photo and video is my property and you will be prosecuted if found to be doing so. Thank you 😘
Services Reveal