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5 Stars (10)
More Less hishotwifeFemale | Last seen 3 hours ago
Which would you rather... a Starbucks coffee or a week of me? A weeks subscription is cheaper than a cup of coffee so of course you will pick me!

As you can see when you subscribe, I'm not like most of the women on here... I'm a very wholesome woman, who looks oh so innocent and sweet as I have appearances to keep up in my professional and personal life but really I'm full of sexual curiosity and deviance 😈

I do not get my nunny out if thats what you need I am not the woman for you!

I'm the perfect English rose, curvy with, long blonde hair, size 16 with FF boobies, and cute size 6 feet!

Custom content is my favourite! I know you want your own personal spicy picture just for you! Message me and I will create the perfect shot which is ALL yours! Custom content starts at ONLY 1000 gems! I can't wait to make something special for you x
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